Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Month 5 day 2

Notebook Entry
Two Reports to the Afghan National Army, Samir working reports in the morning, spoke manpower afternoon, Communications decree out.

Journal Entry
Tried to work with Samir in the morning but the Corps had requested a 9 month rollup of all of the activity in the AO, and he was stressing out. Thus we did not do the 4 hours worth of classes that I had hoped we would do. In the afternoon he was not actively working on his project from the Corps, so I tried to get him to do a class, to no avail. We ended up talking about how much he hates his job, how he is still trying to get himself transferred, etc, etc. There was a lot of backpatting, and ‘you can do it, just keep working hard’ going on.

On the bright side, I did find out about an intelligence MOS school and read through a bunch of stuff that the Brits put together for me while I was up in Shorabak. I was a bit annoyed at the Corps mentors for not mentioning that there was such a thing as the Intel school for the country. Don’t you think I would be interested in that?

Ah well, I love my lovely wife and I missed her very much yesterday and wished that I could be with her.

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